
Now Live!

Be mindful is an online studio that aims to inspire mindfulness across all areas of your everyday life!

We start simple. Breath. Movement. In short, simple and effective, bite-size practices. You can practice in your own time, anytime from the comfort of your own home. Access this platform whenever your heart desires, with so many practices, you can choose from a growing library of meditation and movement (and other things!) right at your fingertips.

How does it work? once you sign up below, you will receive access to the private members area on this website where you can access a library of practices including yoga flow, barre, pre/postnatal, meditation and pranayama (breathing.) New classes and practices will be added throughout the year.

I want to make living a more mindful life accessible and easy. Join a community of like-minded individuals from all walks of life! membership is only $10 per month so why not!?

see you from my living room, to yours!

Om Shanti.